iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up Guide is for anyone in a relationship who may find themselves questioning their feelings or where the relationship is headed.

You may be looking for ways to improve your relationship!

I “Should Have…” “Could Have…” “Wish….”

Can you recall a time when these words endlessly rang in your mind? You most certainly have! These are true statements of regret, pain, and unnecessary torture.  And after the first million times, if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to put those thoughts to rest until it’s triggered……. again.

Still here? Let’s go deeper.

So, how do we go about turning this regret around?

Leveling Up _

Why is it that you often find yourself second guessing the choices you didn’t make?  Is it because after you’ve made the decision, you realized you had other options? More options that you didn’t consider before to make an informed decision?

Let’s be frank! You usually don’t label it a bad decision until……. well….. it ends badly!

iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up Guide Cover

iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up guide allows you to take another, more closer, look at your current situation.

How can you change or improve your relationship if don’t have the tools you need? Book your session TODAY!

MON – THUR   11:00AM – 7:00PM
FRI – SAT  12:00PM – 8:00PM
SUN Special Appointments ONLY





Call : 201-597-6007

MON – FRI                                   11:00AM – 7:00PM
SAT                                              12:00PM – 8:00PM
SUN                                              Special Appointments Only


How many times have you been mentally imprisoned by your thoughts, feeling like you’ve fallen down a rabbit hole that has no end?

It makes you question your value in relationships, not to mention your self-worth.  Could you see yourself making clearer decisions again? Would you find value in no longer feeling like you needed to gear up for your relationship’s end each time your thoughts go rogue?

I’m sure its already begun to create feelings of inadequacy, uncertainly and distrust. How do we change your wayward thoughts so they no longer hurt the people you are with!

Wouldn’t it be easier to get out of your own head if you had the right guidance?  Someone who can see things from another perspective and give you the keys to free yourself.

The iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up Guide can help you:

Looking to feeling good again? iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up guide is a great way to get started.

Leveling Mental Chatter

Part of the reason why you have so many negative thoughts is because you’re trying to figure it out all at once (and by yourself). Not specifically focusing on the problem but the surrounding bits that contribute to them. A part of the process is getting to the main problem, focusing specifically on that issue then treating the root of it.

Leveling the Connection

Getting clear about how you feel and what you want also helps you set and achieve meaningful desired goals. Your personal improvement doesn’t just help you but helps you to become more effective in the partnership.

Leveling Mental Blocks

You can’t be clear if you have not taken the time to understand and eliminate barriers that may ultimately be standing in the way of the growth. Of course, it’s going to take some work. And honestly, you could probably figure it out by yourself. But, let me ask you a question, how has that been working out for you?

You’ve been lead here, so the next move is on you.


iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up Guide

This Guide Includes:

The #1 Mistake

Proper assessment of the relationship (as well as self) is vital to its survival.  People invest time, money, resources into finances, banking institutions and credit but forget that one must also invest in their relationship too.  
However, that’s not the #1 mistake!

The NAKED Truth

Many fall victim to the beautiful lie of what a relationship is “supposed” to look like. This is a fatal relationship killer and it is so easy to be an accomplice to the murder.   Find out what that lie is and how you can avoid being subjected to it, if you haven’t been already!

Measuring Up

Before you level up, you got to measure up! The saying “check yourself before you wreck yourself” firmly assessed that you had to take (personal) inventory and be accountable for your own actions. Before you get the pointing finger ready, let’s make sure we cover all bases.



Lady Stiletto with iHP

As a professional coach, co-creator and motivational host, my goal is to deliver education, inspiration and exceptional services to a variety of audiences.  I strive to make every coaching interaction a memorable experience, placing a large emphasis on delivering actionable content.  I enjoy talking about sex, pleasure and relationships. However, I am fulfilled when I can offer a piece of myself and in turn it helps someone else’s growth.

The iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up Guide is one of many gifts I offer. These are tools that I have used myself and still use to this day. I know what depression feels like. I know what my world falling apart looked like (it wasn’t pretty). Don’t even get me started with the instant replays of situations that has long past. Constantly regurgitation hurt feelings and broken promises.

But I also know how to pull myself out of those whirl winds and I can teach you too. The truth is once you’ve learned how to get beyond these blocks, you can develop a process that will keep you moving forward. You’ll never feel stuck again. I don’t just teach you how to “cook a fish” so you eat for a day, I equip with the tools to “catch fish” so you never go hungry!

How much time are you going to waste? Are you ready to make a change in your life?  Start by downloading the iHeart Pleasure Leveling Up guide, then empower yourself with Booking a service consultation today and we’ll move forward from there. Looking forward to equipping you with the tools needed to take your relationship to the next level.

Lady S




There were a few moments I wanted to revert but I calmly worked through them.  I was able to look at the bigger picture and we were able to talk it out.  I appreciate you getting in my @$% and making me see what’s important.
NJ, Client

You were able to separate personal feelings from the current dilemma and had the platform to discern receptive and enlightening feedback that was always in my best interest. Your gift to connect with people is an ability that is seldom found even in clergy.
David C.
OH, Client

OMGosh, he just told me he loved me… on his own! Without me saying it first. It has honestly been forever since he’s done that… We sat down and actually talked. With your guidance, we stayed focused on the problem at hand and worked through it…….. together! *tears Wow! Just…… wow!
K. Celeste
NJ, Client



One of the testimonies above could be your own. Don’t wait another moment. The time is now!

You’ve tried to do it by yourself….. But, you are no longer alone. You have me, now! So……. Let’s get to work!

How could you not feel like your worth it!